Moving Day!

I began my blogging journey a couple of years ago to improve my writing and help me be more disciplined in my craft.  But what started out a side gig to my fiction, is now coming to the forefront.  Prayerfully, at the end of this year, Musings of a Bored Housewife will publish its first […]

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$50,000 per Tweet!

Social media banned…tweets, status updates, and all blog posts are punishable up to a year in prison with a $50,000 fine.  Can you picture it?  Does it scare you, or not even phase you?  This was today’s writing prompt:  Social media is outlawed in your town.  My first thought was, how did they get the […]

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Zumba for the Imagination

  Lately, I’ve felt like my blog and my writing was getting a little blah.  I’d sit down to write and my imagination would strain to lift a basic idea off the screen.  My fingers and wrists would be sore after a 15 minute free-write session.  Hans and Franz would say my imagination was flabby […]

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Inspiration Station

During our move my desk (among many other things) was broken.  The movers disassembled everything they could, one of those things being my desk.  It wasn’t a fancy desk, just one of those particle board DIY assembly desks that you’d find at Wal-Mart.  So you can imagine that taking it apart might not bode well […]

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Who is your Favorite Author?

I could answer this simple, often asked question with many amazing writers.  But my answer is God.  I’m not just talking about the Bible.  Though this book alone could be cause for God to be #1 on my top ten authors list.  The Bible is studied in many colleges as literature for a great reason.  The […]

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Who or what inspires you?

NaNoBlogMo posed the question, “Who inspired you to write?” This struck home today, as my daughter is off getting inspired by several local writers at a Young Author’s Conference.  As she goes through a morning filled with character development, sensory words, and scene variation, I hope she falls in love with the craft that her […]

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A Caricature of a Character

I haven’t written on this blog for quite some time.  Though many post ideas have trickled through my brain, and even a few have made it to my computer screen, I haven’t posted them.  I have been impatient to write, but I had to be content with my school work to scratch the writing itch […]

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Characters Wanted?

I was reading excerpts from books last night from one publishing company’s site.  They publish mostly romance, and though this is not my favorite genre, it is what my first book, Miracles, is classified as. The “back cover blurbs” were exciting; different plots that aren’t your standard, run-of-the-mill romance story.  But when I got to […]

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High-Tech Corkboard Love

I am head-over-heels in love!  I’ve got butterflies in my stomach, and I can think of nothing else but this new fascination of mine.  Scrivener, from Literature and Latte, is a software program designed to make a writer’s work more blissful.  I’ve seen these programs advertised before with little interest.  Word processing is word processing, […]

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Thank You, Captain Obvious!

I posted on Facebook yesterday a comment about submission guidelines.  As I prepared to submit my revamped novel, I was scouring the publisher/agent websites, and I began noticing a pattern.  A majority of the guidelines included a warning for certain story elements that would deem the manuscript unfit.  I like how Desert Breeze Publishers worded […]

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